Category Archives: Weddings

Daniel & Becky | Married | Clearwater

They say it’s good luck if it rains on your wedding day. Well these two skirted the storm for a beautiful ceremony at Birch Island, just outside of Clearwater BC. The rain held off until the reception and the day was perfectly framed by lots of laughter and love. I’ve spent a lot of time […]

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Richard & Aeriol | Married | St. Julien L’ars

There are moments in life when time seems to slow to a crawl. Moments when you can almost count the heartbeats were you inclined to do so. Moments so special you hold your breath, as if such a simple act would break the spell and time would speed up again. Aeriol and Richards wedding ceremony […]

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Tim & Darcie | Married | Kamloops

Darcie and Tims wedding day felt like being amongst family. After so many weddings I have shot with this group all the familiar faces made spending the day with these two and their bridal party less likeĀ I was working, and more as if I was spending time with old friends. Darcie and Tim, your day […]

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Brock & Kiara | Married | Kamloops

In theory wedding days are just as much about two families becoming one as it is about the bride and groom. You have family members meeting for the first time as they seat themselves for the ceremony. This was not the case with Brock and Kiara. The families had been so close for so long, […]

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Joseph & Anne-Sophie | Married | Sooke

As I have so often before I found myself standing at the front of a wedding ceremony, the weight of my cameras hanging from a shoulder, and gripped loosely, ready to be brought up when the groom starts walking down the aisle. The weight was comforting, and on a day when my heart should have […]

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